We at VMRelease would like to personally thank both Victor Perlman (Gen Counsel & Mgr Dir) along with Peter Dyson (Dir of Communications) of the ASMP board for their amazing support in presenting this discount offer to their members.
Now there are even more Pro's out there in the field using the VMRelease and that is great as we know it is by having Pros such as these choosing to use our App more and more that we can prove to everyone out there pro or casual shooter the real benefits and the difference that having a tool like this in your kit can make to your digital workflow. These Pro's are the ideal ambasssdors for our product as we know they are all 1 serious about covering themselves with anything in a legal sense and 2 that time is very precious to them all.
We look forward to your feedback and please let us know how we can further enhance the app to suit your needs.
Tom McGhee
Director & Creator of the VMRelease™